Thursday, January 3, 2013

National Soup Month!

I make my soup from scratch - to me, there is no other way to do it!  I work from generational recipes for soup stock.  To make the stock, you heat your oven to a high temperature, (maybe 400 degrees F.) throw some cut up meat (with bones even) into a roasting pan.  Douse it with oil.  Add some carrots, onions and celery.  Let everything cook for about 1/2 hour, turning it, so that it does just burn.  Skim off any fat.  Next, you put it all into a large pot on top of the stove.  Add a bay leaf, herbs, tomato, and cover with water.  Cooking this over a medium heat for some 6 to 8 hours.  Skim off the fat.  Strain everything, keeping the liquid.  This is your basic stock.  It can be kept in the refrigerator for a few days, or you can freeze it for use at another time.

When you use a stock and make your soup from scratch, you are keeping all the natural nutrition.  And you don't need to add all the salt that you find in all those canned soups!  This is the way your ancstors ate.  Don't fall into the trap of eating out of a can just for convenience sake!  If you make your stock and keep it on hand, you'll have what you need to make soup any time. 

This is a good time, if you are one who is looking to make a New Year's Resolution to eat healthy - make some soup stock, you won't regret it!

"As far back as I can remember, the old times were good times.  They have been good all down through the years, full of love and service, of ideals and achievement - the future is ours to make it what we will."  Laura Ingalls Wilder

If you'll take the time to do this, you'll only be doing it a few times each year (unless you eat a lot of soup!)  If you if try it, please let us all know, by leaving a comment here.  Thanks. 

Happy "National Soup Month"!  I'll be posting some soup recipes on here this month, Lord willing.  The Old Man in the Bib Overalls

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