Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7th - a special day in history!

February 7th is the 38th day of the year, according to the Gregorian Calendar.  Special happenings on this date include:
  •  1301 - Edward of Caernarvon became the 1st English Prince of Wales
  • 1783 - French & Spanish forces at the Siege of Gibraltar
  • 1795 - 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ratified
  • 1812 - Great earthquake hit New Madrid, Missouri
  • 1935 - "Monopoly", board game, invented
  • 1940 - "Pinocchio", the animated film, premieres
  • 1962 - Garth Brooks, country singer, is born
  • 1964 - The "Beatles", English musicians, arrive in U.S.
  • 1978 - Ashton Kutcher, actor, is born
Wait, I missed one - 1867 - Laura Ingalls Wilder, reknowned author, is born!  (That may be the most important of all the list!) 

So, on February 7, 2012 - we say Happy 145th Birthday to Laura!

The Old Man in the Bib Overalls

1 comment:

Mama Hen said...

I wonder if Laura went to see "Pinocchio" on her birthday?