Sunday, August 28, 2011

Love and Loyalty

Over the last month or so I've had to endure and face some personal trials.  My longtime friend and companion was bitten by a tick.  She started loosing weight, became feverish and dehydrated.  I did all I knew to help her.  She has been with me for about fourteen years and life without her would be a great adjustment for me.  I've prayed for the Lord to heal her, yet let His perfect will to be done.

At first I didn't know what was ailing her, and she couldn't tell me, for she doesn't speak my language and I don't speak hers.  For, you see, she is my dog, Csilla.

Csilla is an Australian Shepherd.  She is going on 15 years of age, which is something like being over 100 years in a human. She has cataracts and is almost blind.  She depends on me for quite a bit these days; afterall, God gave her to me to care for!

After I was able to get her to the Vet to diagnose her condition, she was put on antibiotics to help her fight off the infection.  It is difficult to see those we love suffer.  But, if we trust in the Lord completely, we are comforted.  My close friend, a dear 89 year old saint, came up with these words of wisdom to comfort me as well.  "Security and peace are not found in the absence of troubles; they are found in the presence of the Lord."  Anytime we need Him, He is just a prayer away!

Whether your concern is over a human friend or family member, or over a cherished pet, the Lord knows our situation and He has a plan.  As my friend put it, "The Lord is never out of touch with my reality."

My Csilla, if she is to survive, has a long road of recovery ahead of her.  I see improvements on a daily basis, but I want her back the way she was, and I want it now!  But I still know best to respect the Lord's will in all this.  As she has been a loyal, loving companion to me, so shall I be to her.  We will take it day by day; which is all we are allowed anyway.  "The past is history.  The future is a mystery.  But the present is but a gift."  We need to make the best of what the Lord gives us today!

If you could, pray for us. Thanks.  The Old Man in the Bib Overalls

"The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies."  Laura Ingalls Wilder


Laura said...

Prayers for your dear Csilla for a quick and complete recovery and for you too for guidance in caring for her. I can tell that you love her very much.
I have an almost 5 year old Lab mix Duke that I've had since he was a day old. I consider him to be one of my very best friends.

Val said...

Sweet pup. I'll be thinking of you guys. I don't think I saw your dog while I was there. I just heard the clamor. :)