Thursday, June 9, 2011

Consider the Lilies (Luke 12:27)

God cares for us, (takes care of our needs) - if He can keep the Lilies in beauty, He can keep us that much more in our true beauty - not just in our outward appearance, but in our inner beauty as well.  If we have the faith to believe; we need not have worry or anxiety in our life.

Today, with our high unemployment and faltering economy, many are apt to worry and be anxious.  But if we look around us we see that circumstances are only temporary.   We shouldn't gauge our life on the circumstances at hand, or those things that are coming against us which are beyond our control.

The Lilies are a good example of how to live our life.  As the scripture tells us, they neither toil or spin, yet they grow and are clothed in all their natural beauty.  They don't concern themselves with how or when they will display themselves, they just do it!  But they don't waste more energy than they need to in doing it either.
In my yard, in front of my shop, I've counted close to 1,000 blooms this year.  Each plant has multiple stems.  On each stem are multiple blooms.  As the season progresses the blooms come forth, but not all at once.  In this way, they provide us with beauty for a long time.  In effect, they don't make a grand effort; spending a lot of energy all at once. By waiting for the right conditions or circumstances, they do what they were created to do.  And we can enjoy their beauty that much longer.

Much of the circumstances in our world are beyond our control.  The sooner you realize the difference between what actions you can take and stop trying to change those circumstances that you cannot, the sooner you will have peace. ("Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee." - Isaiah 26:3)

We should spend our time and energy doing those things which will help us individually and which might improve our economy.  It is my hope that you will share my life's ambition to do as Proverbs 3:5,6 advises. Bloom where you are planted and don't try to be something other than your own true self!

"The Man of the Place worried about the weather.  There were dry years in the Dakotas when we were beginning our life together.  I said at the time that thereafter I would sow the seed, but the Lord would give the increase, if there was any; for I could not do my work and that of Providence also."
Laura Ingalls Wilder

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