Friday, June 16, 2017

Freda Next Chapter, "Literaries"

In her book, "Little Town on the Prairie", Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote about the "Literaries" that her family attended.  The fact that Freda was a cousin to Almanzo, may not have been a factor in this recollection of Freda; but this is another case where Freda's life was so similar to that of Laura.  It's nice to think that they had such things in common; even though they were a generation apart!
What people did for entertainment or social activities in those days is part of our rich American history.  I wonder if, after another hundred years, people will look back at the manner in which people act socially today and have a similar nostalgic feeling about texting and Facebook!
The Old Man in the Bib Overalls

1 comment:

Unknown said...

People thought of others back then. Wish it was like that today. You can picture yourself in her story and image you are there actually seeing it. Thank you Jim for continuing her legacym