Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring arrives in Mansfield!

My Daffodils are in full bloom - it must be spring!  And surely the grand re-opening of Laura's "Sweet Memories" (the shop) can't be far behind the blooms! (I guess I'd better get busy!)

I just wanted to share these photos with you - these are my regular and double-headed Daffodils, which sit out in front of the shop.

The biggest trouble with Daffodils is that they just don't last long enough for me!  But, boy, the beauty when they are in bloom!
Maybe they'll still be in bloom if you visit my shop early this spring.  But, don't worry, they are many other flowers which should be in bloom after those have faded!

"At evening still my fancy sees
The flash  of snowy wings,
And in my heart
The Meadow Lark
Still gaily, sweetly sings."
Laura Ingalls Wilder

The Old Man in the Bib Overalls


Laura said...

Happy Spring!
We're enjoying an early spring here in Michigan and hoping winter doesn't come back for a visit.

Angela Escritora said...

Here is FALL!!!

Mama Hen said...

Beautiful blooms! Hope your spring is as lovely.