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Sunday, October 28, 2012

"National Pasta Month" continues!

This is a follow-up to my recipe for making fresh pasta.

Add color to you meal in a special way with this idea!
Farmer Boy Multi-Color Pasta
 If you make your own pasta, following my previous posting for that, or otherwise - this suggestion is for making your pasta into different colors!  (Shown here are some noodles I made.) 

All you need to do is add the natural coloring from some vegetables.  As you prepare you pasta dough, adding the egg to the flour, just add the veggies.  To make the green color, just add this to the egg: about 2 Tablespoons of cooked spinach, (chopped or processed in a blender), for the orange color: 2 Tablespoons of tomato paste, for a deep red color: 2 Tablespoons of processed beets.  This would be a great project - to experiement with different veggies to make all sorts of colors!  I guess you could be really creative and make a rainbow of colors for a meal! 

"Those who stop dreaming never accomplish anything." Laura Ingalls Wilder

If you come up with some other colors, I hope you'll leave a comment here to let us all know about them!  Thanks. The Old Man in the Bib Overalls

1 comment:

  1. Sounds interesting and yummy. My husband probably wouldn't eat it though. With only him to feed now, it does make my cooking duties much simpler. He only likes simple foods. :)


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